Pharmaciae - SAPC

The ratio of pharmacists to pharmacy support personnel

The ratio of pharmacists to pharmacy support personnel

Council wishes to provide clarity on Board Notice 271 published on 20 December 2013 as an amendment to the minimum standards of Annexure A of the Rules relating to good pharmacy practice which was published on 17 December 2004, Government Gazette No. 27112, in Board Notice 129 of 2004 (as amended) in terms of section 35A (b)(ii) of the Pharmacy Act, 53 of 1974.

This minimum standard constitutes an addition to Annexure A of the Rules relating to good pharmacy practice in accordance with section 35A (ii) of the Act, and relates to the supervision of pharmacy personnel.

The Board Notice states that a pharmacist may supervise a maximum of three pharmacy support personnel, inclusive of qualified personnel and those who are undergoing training. A pharmacist may supervise a combination of pharmacy support personnel who have different role types.

The above supervision only refers to direct supervision of pharmacy support personnel in a pharmacy and does not supersede Regulation 14 of the Pharmacy Act, 53 of 1974, which states: A pharmacist may not:

  • have under his or her direct personal supervision more than three pharmacists’ assistants in a pharmacy
  • subject to Regulation 12, have more than five pharmacists’ assistants (post basic) under his or her indirect personal supervision.

Enquiries may be directed to the Office of the Registrar via the customer care line 0861727200 or by email at

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