
Respond online to inspection shortcomings

Respond online to inspection shortcomings

According to Section 28 (5) of the Regulations relating to the practice of pharmacy, a responsible pharmacist (RP} must take corrective measures in respect of deficiencies outlined in Council’s inspection reports or in terms of the Medicine Act.

On 1 January 2012, the system of online recording was launched. This resulted in a huge increase in the number of inspections conducted in a year. A record 1 919 and 2 339 inspections were performed in 2013 and 2014 respectively.

To improve the turnaround time of the evaluation of inspections, Council has, with effect from 2015, introduced a system for the RPs to respond online to shortcomings an inspector has identified. RPs wanting to respond online are required to log on to the secure site of the SAPC website,, with their username and password.

The RP must ensure that all sections are completed by ticking the boxes and filling in the comments section (compulsory), stating the steps that have been, or will be taken (including timelines) to address the shortcoming(s) identified.

Please note: The online shortcoming page will not submit unless all sections of the shortcomings response have been completed.

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