Exam Results 2015

Pre-registration examination results: March 2015

Pre-registration examination results: March 2015

March 2015 Intern Results Paper 1

A total number of 37 pharmacist interns wrote Paper 1 in March 2015, and 32 candidates passed (86.5%). The average mark obtained was 79.4%. A total of five candidates failed the exam (obtained less than 60%), and 26 candidates passed with a mark greater than 75%. A summary of this data expressed in percentages is seen in Table 1.

Table 1: Number of pharmacist interns who passed and failed Paper 1

March 2015 Exam Results Table1

March 2015 Intern Results Paper 2

On 5 March 2015, 48 interns wrote Paper 2 with the majority (58.33%) completing Sections A and B. Overall, 92.67% passed the examination while 8.33% interns failed. The four interns who failed completed Sections A and B.

Table 2: Number of pharmacist interns who passed and failed: Paper 2

March 2015 Exam Results Table2

  • In Section A and B, majority of interns’ attained percentages between 50 – 69%. The highest mark attained was 73.33%. Four interns failed this section, 3 attained percentages between 40-49% while one intern attained 31.67%. This was the lowest percentage for the March 2015 Exam.
  • All the interns completing Section A and C passed. The overall percentage (69.74%) was notably higher than that of Section A and B (58.27%). The highest percentage in Section A and C was 80.00% which was the highest percentage for Paper 2. Majority of the interns achieved percentages between 60 – 79%
  • Only one intern completed Section A and D attaining 73.33%.

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