Preregistration Examination Results: July and October 2015
A total of 519 pharmacist interns wrote the preregistration examination on 23 July 2015, and 252 wrote on 1 October 2015. Table 1 below presents a summary of the July 2015 examination results compared with the October 2015 results.
Table 1: Intern examination results for July and October 2015
The highest mark for the July Paper 1 examination was 100% and the lowest 41%. Council eliminated one question from the examination as it was considered unfair, and the examination was marked out of 39.
The highest mark for the October Paper 1 examination was 92% and the lowest 38%.
Table 2 below summarises the results for Paper 1 for July and October in terms of interns who obtained below 60%, between 60 to 69%, between 70 to 79%, and those who obtained over 80%. The pass mark for Paper 1 was 60%.
Table 2: Paper 1 – Intern performance by percentage range
The highest mark for the July Paper 2 examination was 80% in the community sector examination. The highest marks in the institutional and manufacturing sectors were 74% and 76% respectively. The lowest mark for the examination was 20% which was in the institutional sector. Table 3 below provides a summary of the results from the intern examination held on 23 July 2015 and includes interns who passed and failed by sector as well as the average percentage.
Table 3: Results for the July 2015 Paper 2 preregistration examination by sector
In October 2015, three interns attained 80% for the examination, one from the community sector and two from the institutional sector. The highest mark in the manufacturing sector was 68%, which two interns achieved. The lowest mark for this examination was 38% in the community sector. Table 4 below provides a summary of the results from the intern examination held on 1 October 2015 and includes interns who passed and failed by sector as well as the average percentage.
Table 4: Results for October 2015 Paper 2 preregistration examination by sector
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