Minimum standards for pharmacy premises, facilities and equipment
On 2 March 2015, Council published Board Notice 35 as an amendment to the minimum standards to Annexure A of the Rules relating to good pharmacy practice, published on 17 December 2004 in Government Gazette No. 27112 of Board Notice 129 of 2004 in terms of section 35A (b) (ii) of the Pharmacy Act, 53 of 1974, as amended.
Sections 1.2.2, and 2.29 of Annexure A of the Rules relating to good pharmacy practice were amended, and section 1.2.14 of Annexure A of the Rules relating to good pharmacy practice was added.
After further consideration of the minimum standards, Council made the following additional amendments to Board Notice 35:
- Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) rule, published in Board Notice 35 of 2012, be amended to exclude items (b), (c), and (d)
- GPP rule, published in Board Notice 35 of 2012 under section (a), be amended by removing the phrase “the other business has obtained approval from their statutory council or registration authority (if applicable) and submit same with the application”.
Approval for incorporating another business or practice within a pharmacy, or a pharmacy within another business, is regulated by the provisions of Board Notice 35 of 2012. Council has developed criteria, which are guided by this provision, to evaluate the applications. The criteria are available on the SAPC website,
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