SAPC Registrar

Message from the Registrar

Message from the Registrar

Amos Masango – Registrar/CEO

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It is hard to believe that the year is running quickly to its end. Let us put into action all those things we planned to do for the year before it is too late.

I would like, once more, to urge members of the profession to read the Pharmaciae. It is the only SAPC publication that highlights important issues around pharmacy, be they Council decisions, continuing professional development, human resources, education or practice-related issues. We are also striving to improve how the Pharmaciae is presented to you. We have yet to receive your comments on the introduction of our new e-Pharmaciae.

In this Pharmaciae you will read about many interesting matters that may affect you in one way or the other. These include the pharmacy technical assistants (PTAs) and pharmacy technicians (PTs), the challenges that Council has encountered pertaining to the registration of these cadres and how we have sought to resolve those challenges. More information on this subject will also be posted on the website.

Almost along the same lines, Council has extended the offering of the pharmacist’s assistant qualification by a further three years to allow for the integration of the pharmacy general assistants, PTAs and PTs. Read more on these and other topics in this edition of Pharmaciae.

Second National Pharmacy Conference

In 2013, the South African Pharmacy Council hosted its first conference and it proved to be one of a kind. I cannot begin to explain how successful it was, but there are those who attended who have reported glowingly on its success, in a far better manner than I am able to do.

I am proud to announce that Council, in the Strategic Plan 2014–2018, has scheduled a second pharmacy conference, which will take place at the Durban ICC in 2016. I need to say from the outset that the SAPC is not in the business of hosting conferences, but they do provide an invaluable platform to share knowledge and gain experiences from the profession, experiences that will assist in advancing the profession and addressing the healthcare needs of the people of South Africa. We will also be examining the progress and developments arising from the recommendations made at the first conference.

Be on the lookout for information regarding this 2016 conference so that you do not miss out. We had just over 700 delegates at our first one, and are expecting that number to increase at our second one. We have the capability and the necessary knowledge to host an event of this envisaged magnitude, but without your support, it will not take place.

We also call upon the trade exhibitors and sponsors to support our efforts and use the opportunity to join us and meet pharmacy personnel from all the different pharmacy sectors.

Pharmacy Awards

We will again be hosting the pharmacy awards at the conference, and are encouraging the profession to participate. The awards have become a means of inspiring pharmacy professionals across a range of sectors to excel and continue to make pharmacy proud. We derive immense pleasure from hearing about the activities the profession is involved in, and are deeply moved by the sterling efforts so many of you make to improve the lives of people within your communities. Details on the award categories will be released in due course, together with nomination forms and the criteria for nominations.

Zero tolerance towards crime

On a more sober note, Council is extremely perturbed about the criminal and fraudulent activities committed by a few pharmacists and pharmacy support personnel. We know they are in the minority, but they cast the profession in an extremely bad light. Council is adopting a zero tolerance approach towards nefarious or illegal activities and will deal harshly with offenders. As a profession we are here to serve the people of South Africa, and to serve them in an ethical and law-abiding manner.

We hope you enjoy reading this Pharmaciae. Remember to contact Council for any clarity relating to your registration. We are here to serve you.

Amos Masango

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