
Keeping abreast of good pharmacy practice – update on minimum standards

Keeping abreast of good pharmacy practice – update on minimum standards

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Council, in keeping abreast of good pharmacy practice, from time to time publishes minimum standards for inclusion in Annexure A of the Rules relating to good pharmacy practice. Council has approved five minimum standards for implementation and one minimum standard for publication for comment.

Annexure A of the Rules relating to good pharmacy practice was published on 17 December 2004, Government Gazette No: 27112, in Board Notice 129 of 2004 (as amended) in terms of Section 35A (b) (ii) of the Pharmacy Act, 53 of 1974. Council has made and approved five minimum standards for addition and implementation and one minimum standard for publication for comment:

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Council approved the minimum standard below for publication for comment in January 2017. The profession will have two months during which to submit comments.

Minimum standards for the selling of HIV screening test kits (Rule35A(b)(ii)).

The five minimum standards approved for implementation in January 2017 are:

Minimum standards for community or institutional pharmacies providing pharmaceutical services from a mobile unit (Rule 1.4)
Minimum standards for community or institutional pharmacies operating websites (Rule 1.5)
Minimum standards for the control of access to pharmacy premises (Rule 1.2.4 (a));
Minimum standards for the procurement, storage and distribution of thermolabile pharmaceutical products (Rule (i)); and
Minimum standards for institutional public pharmacy operating a remote automated dispensing unit (RADU) (Rule1.10).

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These standards will be published on the SAPC website ( in January 2017. Enquiries may be directed to the Office of the Registrar via the Customer Care line 0861 727200, or email, or the website

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