Every pharmacist’s assistant MUST have an email address from 2016 – it is compulsory
If you are a pharmacist’s assistant registered with Council and you don’t have your own, reliable email address, it is time to get moving and sign up for an email account. It has been noted that of all the cadres on Council’s register system, a large percentage of those without email addresses are pharmacist’s assistants. There are many providers that offer free email services so there is no excuse for any registered person to be without an email address.
It is compulsory for all pharmacist’s assistants to have an email address and to update their details on the website
The sky-rocketing costs of printing and mailing has led Council to opt for a more cost-effective method of communication. Effective from 2016, Council will no longer print and mail most of the letters for registered persons, but will email them instead. Council will ensure that the documents are also available on the secure online site for registered persons to access.
In comparison with other cadres, a large percentage of pharmacist’s assistants do not have an email address. Council appeals to all pharmacist’s assistants to ensure their email addresses are captured on the register system. In 2016, Council will make it compulsory for all candidates who submit applications via the online system to provide an email address.
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