SAPC - Fees payable to Council

2017 Fees payable to Council

2017 Fees payable to Council

Fees payable to the South African Pharmacy Council for the 2017 financial year. Please note that if you want your registration to be effective from 1 January 2017, you should pay the fees scheduled for 2017 and not for 2016.

In terms of section 4(zG) of the Pharmacy Act, 53 of 1974, as amended, Council may determine the fees payable to Council without publication thereof in regulations. In practice, this would mean that any new fees or amendments to existing fees will be determined annually by Council. As in the past, all efforts are made to curtail costs and keep any increases in fees to the minimum.

Click here to download the fees payable to the South African Pharmacy Council for the 2016 financial year.

*Bank details

Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa
Name of beneficiary: South African Pharmacy Council
Bank account number: 011885866
Branch code: 010145
Payment/beneficiary reference: Your account number with Council**

**Your account number is alpha–numeric:
Persons: P-number (P followed by a 5-digit number)
Pharmacy: Y-number (Y followed by a 5-digit number)
Provider: R-number (R followed by a 5-digit number)

Due dates for annual fees

Failure to pay the prescribed annual fees within three months of the due date may lead to the removal of your name from the register. The due dates each year are as follows:

  • 2 January Pharmacies and responsible pharmacists (private sector) in retail, wholesale, distribution and manufacturing
  • 1 February Pharmacists 1 June Providers, assessors, pharmacy support personnel and students 1 July Pharmacies and responsible pharmacists (public sector)

Online credit and debit card method

We recommend that all pharmacy professionals pay fees conveniently through the safe credit or debit card payment method by logging in with your unique details on the website.

You not only enjoy the convenience of paying the fees wherever you are and at whatever time, but also receive instant confirmation that your payment has been received. You can print your proof of payment.

Other payment methods

Fees can be paid into Council’s Standard Bank Account* as indicated in the banking details through the following methods:

  • Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
  • Direct deposit (DD)
  • Credit/debit card at SAPC offices

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