2016 Changes affecting learners, students, interns and community service pharmacists AND the reprinting of expired registration cards
Learners, students, interns and community service pharmacists
Effective from January 2016, Council will no longer print letters and certificates for students, learners, interns, trainees and community service pharmacists. This decision has been taken to keep operational cost to a minimum. Once the registration process has been finalised, an SMS will be sent to the registrant informing them they may print their own documents from the secure site on the SAPC website. Upon request, the documents may also be emailed. Council is appealing to all registered persons to ensure they have a reliable email address that is current and is captured on Council’s register system.
Registered persons who wish to have a Council-printed certificate may do so by applying for a duplicate certificate, for the fee published on the website – available here.
Only students will be issued with a registration card, which is renewable every two years. Learners, interns, trainees and community service pharmacists will not be issued with registration cards.
Council issued the first ID registration cards for pharmacists in 2011 and these are due to expire on 31 January 2016. Pharmacists have probably noted that, irrespective of when their cards were issued, all cards have an expiry date of 31 January 2016.
To avoid the costs and logistical constraints of the bulk issuing of cards every five years, Council has decided to stagger the expiry dates. When Council reissues pharmacists with their new cards, the following expiry dates with apply:
- All pharmacists registered prior to and including 1997 will be issued with cards expiring in January 2022.
- The remaining cards will be issued with five year lifespans. For example, if your registration card expires in January 2016, your new card will expire in January 2021.
Thereafter, new cards will be issued every five years when they expire.
To ensure that we are able to successfully issue the new registration cards, please ensure that:
- You have uploaded a new ID photo
- Your courier address and cell phone number are correct.
The reissuing of new cards will commence during November 2015.
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