2015 Inspectors Bosberaad

2015 Inspectors Bosberaad

The annual Inspectors Bosberaad was held at Kievitskroon Country Estate in Pretoria on 22 and 23 October 2015. Among the delegates were Council’s president, Professor Mano Chetty, Ms Jackie Maimin (chairperson of the Practice Committee) and Mr Solomon Rasekele (chairperson of the Committee of Preliminary Investigations (CPI)).

The president thanked the inspectors for the work they carry out and emphasised that pharmacy inspections form an important pillar that underpins many of the activities Council undertakes. She encouraged inspectors to adopt an educative role when interacting with pharmacists and stressed how essential it was for them to conduct inspections in a consistent manner to ensure the outcomes are fair and reliable.

Ms Maimin called on inspectors to act as mentors when carrying out inspections and to raise the profession’s awareness of legislation and Rules relating to good pharmacy practice (GPP).

Mr Rasekele emphasised how crucial it was for inspectors to compile comprehensive feedback on identified shortcomings and backing these up with evidence where necessary. He stated that a lack of detailed evidence could hamper the CPIs handling of disciplinary matters and render cases null and void.

Mr Vuyo Mokoena, senior manager: practice, informed inspectors that the Office of the Registrar had developed a document named Good inspections guidelines. This document was developed to guide inspectors on how to conduct the different types of inspections and how to deal with certain observations during an inspection.

Mr Vincent Tlala, chief operating officer, requested inspectors to familiarise themselves with the latest published Board Notices. These include Board Notices 49 of 2015, 50 of 2015, and 152 of 2014, which directly affect the practice of pharmacy. He urged inspectors to compile clear and comprehensive comments for any shortcomings identified during an inspection, and explained how the outcome of inspections could affect processes pertaining to the registration and/or approval of persons and facilities.

Operational matters were discussed and departmental heads updated the inspectors on new developments within their respective departments.

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